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Speed Run SImulator script pastebin roblox
By LINK GAME on 2024-09-18 08:00 am | Syntax: LUA | Views: 11

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  1. if game:GetService'CoreGui':FindFirstChild'DARK II' then
  2.     game:GetService'CoreGui'.SRSGui:Destroy();
  3. end
  5. local Library = loadstring(game:HttpGet("",true))()
  7. local charset = {}
  8. for i = 48,  57 do table.insert(charset, string.char(i)) end
  9. for i = 65,  90 do table.insert(charset, string.char(i)) end
  10. for i = 97, 122 do table.insert(charset, string.char(i)) end
  11. function RandomCharacters(length)
  12.   if length > 0 then
  13.     return RandomCharacters(length - 1) .. charset[math.random(1, #charset)]
  14.   else
  15.     return ""
  16.   end
  17. end
  19. local Initialize = Library:Init(game:GetService("CoreGui"), "SRSGui")
  20. -- Window 1 --
  22. local w1 = Initialize:AddTab(RandomCharacters(math.random(5, 5)))
  23. local FarmingTab = w1:AddSection("Farm", false)
  24. local PetTab = w1:AddSection("Pets", false)
  25. local MiscTab = w1:AddSection("Misc", false)
  27. -- Window 1 --
  29. -- Includes --
  30. local RS = game:service'ReplicatedStorage';
  31. local Players = game:service'Players';
  33. local LocalP = Players.LocalPlayer
  34. local Char = LocalP.Character
  35. local Remotes = RS.Remotes
  37. local BarText = string.split(LocalP.PlayerGui.MainUI.RebirthUI.UI.RebirthThing.Display.Text, "/")
  38. local CurrentBar = tonumber(BarText[1])
  39. local MaxBar = tonumber(BarText[2])
  41. function AddSpeed() Remotes.AddSpeed:FireServer() end
  42. function Rebirth() Remotes.Rebirth:FireServer() end
  44. -- Includes --
  46. local Speed = FarmingTab:AddToggle("fspeed", "Auto-Speed", false, function(value)
  47.     getgenv().farmspeed = value
  48.     while getgenv().farmspeed and wait(.0000000000001) do
  49.         wait(.4)
  50.         wait(.3)
  51.         wait(.498)
  52.         wait(0.99)
  53.         wait(0.99)
  54.         for i = 1, 2000 do
  55.             AddSpeed()
  56.         end
  57.     end
  58. end)
  60. local Rebirth = FarmingTab:AddToggle("frebirth", "Auto-Rebirth", false, function(value)
  61.     getgenv().rebirth = value
  62.     while getgenv().rebirth and wait(0.4) do
  63.         wait(.2)
  64.         if CurrentBar >= MaxBar or CurrentBar <= MaxBar then
  65.             Rebirth()
  66.         end
  67.     end
  68. end)
  70. local Orbs = FarmingTab:AddToggle("forbs", "Auto-Orbs", false, function(value)
  71.     getgenv().orbs = value
  72.     while getgenv().orbs and wait(0.4) do
  73.         for _,orbs in pairs(workspace.OrbSpawns:GetChildren()) do
  74.             if orbs:FindFirstChild("TouchInterest") and orbs.Name == "Orb" then
  75.                 wait(.3)
  76.                 orbs.CFrame = Char.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame *, 1, 0)
  77.             end
  78.         end
  79.     end
  80. end)
  82. local Rings = FarmingTab:AddToggle("frings", "Auto-Rings", false, function(value)
  83.     getgenv().rings = value
  84.     while getgenv().rings and wait(0.4) do
  85.         for _,rings in pairs(workspace.OrbSpawns:GetChildren()) do
  86.             if rings:FindFirstChild("TouchInterest") and rings.Name == "Ring" then
  87.                 wait(.3)
  88.                 rings.CFrame = Char.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame *, 1, 0)
  89.             end
  90.         end
  91.     end
  92. end)
  94. pets = {}
  96. for i,v in pairs(LocalP.PlayerGui.MainUI.PetUI.SelectionPanel.ScrollingFrame:GetChildren()) do
  97.     if v:FindFirstChild("NamePetThing") then
  98.         if v.NamePetThing.Text == "NAME" then
  99.         else
  100.             PetName = v.NamePetThing.Text
  101.             table.insert(pets, PetName)
  102.         end
  103.     end
  104. end
  106. local PetList = PetTab:AddScrolling("Pet", pets, "N/A", false, true, function(v)
  107.     SelectedPet = v
  108.     for i,v in pairs(LocalP.PlayerGui.MainUI.PetUI.SelectionPanel.ScrollingFrame:GetChildren()) do
  109.         if v:FindFirstChild("NamePetThing") then
  110.             if v.NamePetThing.Text == "NAME" then
  111.             else
  112.                 table.remove(pets)
  113.                 PetName = v.NamePetThing.Text
  114.                 table.insert(pets, PetName)
  115.             end
  116.         end
  117.     end
  118. end)
  120. local EquipPet = PetTab:AddSlider("fequippet", "Equip Pet", {min = 1, max = 50, def = 1}, function(value)
  121.     if SelectedPet == nil then
  122.     else
  123.         for i = 1, value do
  124.             wait(1)
  125.             Remotes.PetEquip:FireServer(SelectedPet)
  126.         end
  127.     end
  128. end)
  130. local UnequipPet = PetTab:AddSlider("funequippet", "Unequip Pet", {min = 1, max = 100, def = 1}, function(value)
  131.     if SelectedPet == nil then
  132.     else
  133.         for i = 1, value do
  134.             wait(.1)
  135.             Remotes.PetUnequip:FireServer(SelectedPet)
  136.         end
  137.     end
  138. end)
  140. local InfStorage = MiscTab:AddButton("finfstorage", "Inf Pet Storage", false, function()
  141.     LocalP.InvSpace.Value = 9e+18
  142. end)
  144. local InfEquip = MiscTab:AddButton("finfequip", "Inf Pet Equipped", false, function()
  145.     LocalP.PetSlot.Value = 9e+18
  146. end)