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UFO Tycoon script pastebin roblox
By LINK GAME on 2024-09-20 08:00 am | Syntax: LUA | Views: 15

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  1.  _G.Toggle = true
  3. local function getTycoon()
  4.     for _, v in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace").Tycoons:GetChildren()) do
  5.         if v.OwnerPointer.Value == game.Players.LocalPlayer then
  6.             return v
  7.         end
  8.     end
  9. end
  11. while _G.Toggle do
  12.     -- Makes sure you have a tycoon
  13.     if getTycoon() then
  14.         -- Collect Money
  15.         firetouchinterest(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.PrimaryPart, getTycoon().Entities.MoneyCollector.Trigger, 0)
  16.         firetouchinterest(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.PrimaryPart, getTycoon().Entities.MoneyCollector.Trigger, 1)
  18.         local Money = getTycoon().Data.Money.Value
  20.         -- Loop Through all of the buttons
  21.         for _, v in pairs(getTycoon().Buttons:GetChildren()) do
  22.             -- Makes sure it isn't a gamepass and you have enough money to buy it
  23.             if v:WaitForChild("Configuration"):FindFirstChild("Cost") and v.Configuration.Cost.Value <= Money then
  24.                 -- Buys the button
  25.                 firetouchinterest(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.PrimaryPart, v.Trigger, 0)
  26.                 firetouchinterest(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.PrimaryPart, v.Trigger, 1)
  28.                 --Subtracts the cost from your money
  29.                 Money = Money - v.Configuration.Cost.Value
  30.             end
  31.         end
  32.     end
  34.     wait()
  35. end