- hookfunction(gcinfo, function()
- return math.random(200,350)
- end)
- -- // Constants \\ --
- -- [ Services ] --
- local Services = setmetatable({}, {__index = function(Self, Index)
- local NewService = game:GetService(Index)
- if NewService then
- Self[Index] = NewService
- end
- return NewService
- end})
- -- [ LocalPlayer ] --
- local LocalPlayer = Services.Players.LocalPlayer
- -- // Variables \\ --
- local Connections = {
- Weapon1 = nil;
- Weapon2 = nil;
- Weapon3 = nil;
- Backpack = nil;
- }
- local RoundNumber = workspace.RoundNum
- -- // Functions \\ --
- local function CharacterAdded(Character)
- local Backpack = LocalPlayer:WaitForChild('Backpack')
- local function ChildAdded(Child)
- if Child.Name == "Weapon1" or Child.Name == "Weapon2" or Child.Name == "Weapon3" then
- local Module = require(Child)
- if Connections[Child.Name] then
- Connections[Child.Name]:Disconnect()
- Connections[Child.Name] = nil
- end
- Connections[Child.Name] = Services.RunService.RenderStepped:Connect(function()
- Module.Ammo = Module.MagSize + 1
- Module.StoredAmmo = Module.MaxAmmo
- Module.HeadShot = 150 + (RoundNumber.Value * 150)
- Module.TorsoShot = 150 + (RoundNumber.Value * 150)
- Module.LimbShot = 150 + (RoundNumber.Value * 150)
- Module.BulletPenetration = 10
- end)
- end
- end
- if Connections.Backpack then
- Connections.Backpack:Disconnect()
- Connections.Backpack = nil
- end
- for i,v in ipairs(Backpack:GetChildren()) do
- ChildAdded(v)
- end
- Connections.Backpack = Backpack.ChildAdded:Connect(ChildAdded)
- end
- -- // Event Listeners \\ --
- LocalPlayer.CharacterAdded:Connect(CharacterAdded)
- CharacterAdded(LocalPlayer.Character)
- -- // Metatable \\ --
- local RawMetatable = getrawmetatable(game)
- local __Namecall = RawMetatable.__namecall
- setreadonly(RawMetatable, false)
- RawMetatable.__namecall = newcclosure(function(Object, ...)
- local NamecallMethod = getnamecallmethod()
- local Arguments = {...}
- if typeof(Object) == "Instance" and Object.IsA(Object, "RemoteEvent") then
- if tostring(Object) == "Damage" and NamecallMethod == "FireServer" then
- Arguments[1].Damage = Arguments[1].BodyPart.Parent.Humanoid.MaxHealth + 10
- end
- end
- return __Namecall(Object, unpack(Arguments))
- end)
- setreadonly(RawMetatable, true)
- -- // Actions \\ --
- --LocalPlayer.Character.Health:Destroy()