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Collect most stickmen script pastebin roblox
By Collect most stickmen on 2024-09-21 08:00 am | Syntax: LUA | Views: 17

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  1. -- you do not have to do this first:
  2. -- when in 'FUN =)':
  3. -- execute again, walk around, then wait for it collect the stickman
  4. -- for Partygoer stickman
  5. if game.PlaceId == 8884316278 then
  6.     print("yes")
  7.     while wait() do
  8.         firetouchinterest(
  9.             game:GetService("Workspace").Stickmen["Partygoer Stickman"],
  10.             game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Head,
  11.             0
  12.         )
  13.         game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame =
  14.   "Workspace").Stickmen["Partygoer Stickman"].CFrame)
  15.     end
  16. end
  18. -- execute when in game 'FTS'
  19. -- for glitch stickman
  20. if game.PlaceId == 316842344 then
  21.     firetouchinterest(game:GetService("Workspace").BadgeAwarder.Platform, game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Head, 0)
  22. end
  24. local sticks = game:GetService("Workspace").Stickmen
  25. local plr = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
  27. local divineButtons = game:GetService("Workspace").DivineButtons
  28. local nerdNumbers = game:GetService("Workspace").NerdKeypad.Numbers
  29. local pickaxes = game:GetService("Workspace").MinePickaxes
  31. fireclickdetector(game:GetService("Workspace").BackroomsKey.ClickDetector)
  32. firetouchinterest(game:GetService("Workspace").StormPart, plr.Character.Head, 0) -- Storm Stickman
  33. local ohString1 = "Stong Stickman"
  34. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ActivateStickman:FireServer(ohString1)
  36. for i, v in pairs(nerdNumbers:GetChildren()) do
  37.     local clickdetector = v:FindFirstChild("ClickDetector")
  38.     if clickdetector then
  39.         fireclickdetector(clickdetector)
  40.     end
  41. end
  43. local ohString1 = "Biomes Stickman"
  45. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ActivateStickman:FireServer(ohString1)
  47. for i, v in pairs(divineButtons:GetChildren()) do
  48.     local clickdetector = v:FindFirstChild("ClickDetector")
  49.     if clickdetector then
  50.         fireclickdetector(clickdetector)
  51.     end
  52. end
  53. firetouchinterest(game:GetService("Workspace").Stickmen["Divine Stickman"], plr.Character.Head, 0)
  55. fireclickdetector(game:GetService("Workspace").AlienKeypad.Numbers["4"].ClickDetector)
  56. fireclickdetector(game:GetService("Workspace").AlienKeypad.Numbers["3"].ClickDetector)
  57. fireclickdetector(game:GetService("Workspace").AlienKeypad.Numbers["7"].ClickDetector)
  58. fireclickdetector(game:GetService("Workspace").AlienKeypad.Numbers["2"].ClickDetector)
  59. fireclickdetector(game:GetService("Workspace").AlienKeypad.Numbers["7"].ClickDetector)
  60. fireclickdetector(game:GetService("Workspace").AlienKeypad.Enter.ClickDetector)
  61. wait()
  62. firetouchinterest(game:GetService("Workspace").Stickmen["Alien Stickman"], plr.Character.Head, 0)
  64. for i, v in pairs(pickaxes:GetChildren()) do -- For Miner Stickman
  65.     local clickdetector = v:FindFirstChild("ClickDetector")
  66.     if clickdetector then
  67.         fireclickdetector(clickdetector)
  68.     end
  69. end
  71. for i, v in pairs(sticks:GetChildren()) do
  72.     if v:IsA("Part") then
  73.         local a = v:FindFirstChild("Activated")
  74.         if a then
  75.             local ohString1 = a.Parent.Name
  76.             game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ActivateStickman:FireServer(ohString1)
  77.         end
  78.         firetouchinterest(v, plr.Character.Head, 0)
  79.     end
  80. end
  82. local function backrooms()
  83.     fireclickdetector(game:GetService("Workspace").Part.ClickDetector)
  84.     wait(0.15)
  85.     firetouchinterest(game:GetService("Workspace").BackroomsWall, plr.Character.Head, 0)
  86.     fireclickdetector(game:GetService("Workspace").BackroomsKey.ClickDetector)
  87.     game:GetService("TeleportService"):Teleport(8884316278)
  88. end
  89. if game.PlaceId == 8884316278 then
  90.     game.Workspace.ChildAdded:Connect(
  91.         function()
  92.             firetouchinterest(
  93.                 game:GetService("Workspace").Stickmen["Partygoer Stickman"],
  94.                 game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Head,
  95.                 0
  96.             )
  97.         end
  98.     )
  99. end

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