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Fe Broomstick script pastebin roblox
By Fe Broomstick on 2024-09-22 08:00 am | Syntax: LUA | Views: 9

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  1. --This is the hat to wear for the script:
  2. spawn(function()
  3. while wait() do
  4. settings().Physics.AllowSleep = false
  5. game.Players.LocalPlayer.MaximumSimulationRadius = math.huge*math.huge
  6. setsimulationradius(math.huge*math.huge,math.huge*math.huge)
  7. end
  8. end)
  9. function Align(Part1,Part0,Position,Angle,name)
  10.   local AlignPos ="AlignPosition", Part1);
  11.   AlignPos.Parent.CanCollide = false;
  12.   AlignPos.ApplyAtCenterOfMass = true;
  13.   AlignPos.MaxForce = 67752;
  14.   AlignPos.MaxVelocity = math.huge/9e110;
  15.   AlignPos.ReactionForceEnabled = false;
  16.   AlignPos.Responsiveness = 200;
  17.   AlignPos.RigidityEnabled = false;
  19.   local AlignOrient ="AlignOrientation", Part1);
  20.   AlignOrient.MaxAngularVelocity = math.huge/9e110;
  21.   AlignOrient.MaxTorque = 67752;
  22.   AlignOrient.PrimaryAxisOnly = false;
  23.   AlignOrient.ReactionTorqueEnabled = false;
  24.   AlignOrient.Responsiveness = 200;
  25.   AlignOrient.RigidityEnabled = false;
  27.   local"Attachment",Part1);
  29.   local"Attachment",Part0);
  30.   AttachmentB.Orientation = Angle
  31.   AttachmentB.Position = Position
  32.   AttachmentB.Name = name
  34.   AlignPos.Attachment0 = AttachmentA;
  35.   AlignPos.Attachment1 = AttachmentB;
  37.   AlignOrient.Attachment0 = AttachmentA;
  38.   AlignOrient.Attachment1 = AttachmentB;
  39. end
  40. char = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character
  41. hat = char["Broom Classic"]
  42. hat.Handle.AccessoryWeld:Destroy();char.Torso["Right Shoulder"]:Destroy();char.Torso["Left Shoulder"]:Destroy();char.Torso["Right Hip"]:Destroy();char.Torso["Left Hip"]:Destroy();
  43. Align(char["Right Arm"],char["Torso"],, 0, -0.5),, 25, 0),"RHand")
  44. Align(char["Left Arm"],char["Torso"],, 0, -0.5),, -25, 0),"LHand")
  45. Align(char["Right Leg"],char["Torso"],, -1.5, -0.8),, -25, 0),"RLeg")
  46. Align(char["Left Leg"],char["Torso"],, -1.5, -0.8),, 15, 0),"LLeg")
  47. Align(hat.Handle,char["Torso"],, -2, -0.5),, -90, 45),"Broom")
  48. char.Humanoid.HipHeight = 1
  49. char.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 25
  50. char.Humanoid.JumpPower = 0
  51. while wait() do
  52. for i = 1,2,0.05 do wait()
  53. char.Humanoid.HipHeight = i
  54. end
  55. wait()
  56. for i = 0,1,0.05 do wait()
  57. char.Humanoid.HipHeight = 2-i
  58. end
  59. end

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