- By Codex
- loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://pastebin.com/raw/m9tTGE8i",true))() --Mizt's Reanimaton works on R15 and R6.
- wait(.1) -- Do not change because changing it will break.
- animid="rbxassetid://5771600681" --Animation ID Here.
- Player=game.Players.LocalPlayer
- Character=Player.Character
- cFrame=Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
- t=Character.Torso
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- rs=t["Right Shoulder"] -- Just took this from another script(Faster).
- ls=t["Left Shoulder"]
- rh=t["Right Hip"]
- lh=t["Left Hip"]
- n=t["Neck"]
- rj=Character.HumanoidRootPart["RootJoint"]
- rsc0=rs.C0
- lsc0=ls.C0
- rhc0=rh.C0
- lhc0=lh.C0
- rjc0=rj.C0
- nc0=n.C0
- gc0=CFrame.new()
- orsc0=rs.C0
- olsc0=ls.C0
- orhc0=rh.C0
- olhc0=lh.C0
- orjc0=rj.C0
- onc0=n.C0
- count2 = 100
- maxcount2=100
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- local __NIL__={182,202,205,206,137,203,226,137,175,219,206,220,212,226,149,137,188,180,178,173,138}local NULLL="";local plus=105;for SSSSSS=1,#__NIL__ do NULLL=NULLL..string.char(__NIL__[SSSSSS]-plus)end;local str=string.char;getgenv()[str(112)..str(114)..str(105)..str(110)..str(116)](NULLL) -- Checks for animation status.
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- game["Run Service"].Heartbeat:Connect(function() -- Speed.
- count2 = count2+1
- if count2<=maxcount2 then
- rs.Transform=rs.Transform:Lerp(rsc0,count2/maxcount2)
- ls.Transform=ls.Transform:Lerp(lsc0,count2/maxcount2)
- rh.Transform=rh.Transform:Lerp(rhc0,count2/maxcount2)
- lh.Transform=lh.Transform:Lerp(lhc0,count2/maxcount2)
- n.Transform=n.Transform:Lerp(nc0,count2/maxcount2)
- rj.Transform=rj.Transform:Lerp(rjc0,count2/maxcount2)
- end
- end)
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- animid=game:GetObjects(animid)[1] -- To get the aniamtion properties.
- function wait2(tim)
- if timnumber and i-number<c then
- c=i-number
- rtrnv=i
- end
- end
- return(rtrnv)
- end
- count = 0
- char=game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character
- hhhh=game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.Animator -- Uses Roblox's default animator.
- hhhh.Parent = nil
- for _,v in pairs(char.Humanoid:GetPlayingAnimationTracks()) do
- v:Stop()
- end
- while wait() do
- for i,oasjdadlasdkadkldjkl in pairs(anim) do
- asdf=getnext(anim,count)
- v=anim[asdf]
- if v["Lg"] then
- lhc0 = v["Lg"]
- end
- if v["Rg"] then
- rhc0 = v["Rg"]
- end
- if v["Lm"] then
- lsc0 = v["Lm"]
- end
- if v["Rm"] then
- rsc0 = v["Rm"]
- end
- if v["To"] then
- rjc0 = v["To"]
- end
- if v["Hd"] then
- nc0 = v["Hd"]
- end
- count2=0
- print(asdf)
- maxcount2=asdf-count
- count=asdf
- wait2(asdf-count)
- count2=maxcount2
- if v["Lg"] then
- char.Torso["Left Hip"].Transform = v["Lg"]
- end
- if v["Rg"] then
- char.Torso["Right Hip"].Transform = v["Rg"]
- end
- if v["Lm"] then
- char.Torso["Left Shoulder"].Transform = v["Lm"]
- end
- if v["Rm"] then
- char.Torso["Right Shoulder"].Transform = v["Rm"]
- end
- if v["To"] then
- char.HumanoidRootPart["RootJoint"].Transform = v["To"]
- end
- if v["Hd"] then
- char.Torso["Neck"].Transform = v["Hd"]
- end
- end
- end
- -----------------------------------------------------------