- --made by Creatar#4019
- local runservice=game:service"RunService";
- local player=game:service"Players"["LocalPlayer"];
- local character=player["Character"];
- --character["Head"]:FindFirstChildOfClass"SpecialMesh":Destroy();
- character["Humanoid"].HipHeight=-2;
- wait(1)
- local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- game:GetService("RunService").Stepped:Connect(function()
- setsimulationradius(9e9,9e9)
- plr.ReplicationFocus = workspace
- settings().Physics.AllowSleep = false
- end)
- --Keybinds
- _G.UnReanimateKey = "q" --The keybind for unreanimating.
- _G.ReanimateKey = "e" --The keybind for reanimating.
- _G.R6ToggleKey = "r" --The keybind for toggling R15 to R6.
- _G.GodmodeToggleKey = "t" --The keybind for toggling godmode.
- --Options
- _G.FastLoading = true --Set to true if you want godmode to load faster. (Experimental)
- _G.CharacterBug = false --Set to true if your uppertorso floats when using godmode with R15.
- _G.GodMode = true --Set to true if you want godmode.
- if game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid").RigType == Enum.HumanoidRigType.R15 then
- _G.R6 = true --Set to true if you wanna enable R15 to R6 when your R15.
- else
- _G.R6 = false --Set to true if you wanna enable R15 to R6 when your R15.
- end
- _G.AutoReanimate = true --Set to true if you want to auto reanimate and disable keybinds after executing.
- loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://paste.ee/r/5K7Kc/0"))()
- repeat wait() until _G.MSG ~= nil
- repeat wait() until _G.MSG.Text == ""
- wait(0.5)
- local client = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
- local char = client.Character
- local nullware = char.NullwareReanim
- local neck = nullware.Torso.Neck
- if char.Humanoid.RigType == Enum.HumanoidRigType.R6 then
- neck.C0 = neck.C0 + Vector3.new(0,-1.001, 0.01)
- char.Head:FindFirstChildOfClass("Decal"):Destroy()
- char.Head:FindFirstChildOfClass("SpecialMesh"):Destroy()
- for i, v in pairs(nullware:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsA('Accessory') then
- local handle = v.Handle
- if handle:FindFirstChild("HatAttachment") or handle:FindFirstChild("HairAttachment") or handle:FindFirstChild("FaceCenterAttachment") then
- local weld = v.Handle.AccessoryWeld
- weld.C0 = weld.C0 + Vector3.new(0,-1,0)
- end
- end
- end
- char.Head.AlignPosition:Destroy()
- char.Head.AlignOrientation:Destroy()
- local function weldpart(part0, part1)
- local att0 = Instance.new("Attachment", part0)
- att0.Position = Vector3.new(0, -0.49, -0.01) --change the position to position it customly
- att0.Rotation = Vector3.new(0, 0, 0) --change the rotation to rotate it customly (mostly used for anims as i know)
- local att1 = Instance.new("Attachment", part1)
- att1.Position = Vector3.new(0,0,0)
- local AP = Instance.new("AlignPosition", part0)
- AP.Attachment0 = att0
- AP.Attachment1 = att1
- AP.RigidityEnabled = false
- AP.ReactionForceEnabled = false
- AP.ApplyAtCenterOfMass = false
- AP.MaxForce = 9999999
- AP.MaxVelocity = math.huge
- AP.Responsiveness = 2000
- local AO = Instance.new("AlignOrientation", part0)
- AO.Attachment0 = att0
- AO.Attachment1 = att1
- AO.ReactionTorqueEnabled = true
- AO.PrimaryAxisOnly = false
- AO.MaxTorque = 9999999
- AO.MaxAngularVelocity = math.huge
- AO.Responsiveness = 2000
- end
- weldpart(char.Head, nullware.Torso)
- else
- neck.C0 = neck.C0 + Vector3.new(0,-1.001, 0.01)
- char.Head:FindFirstChildOfClass("Decal"):Destroy()
- char.Head:FindFirstChildOfClass("SpecialMesh"):Destroy()
- for i, v in pairs(nullware:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsA('Accessory') then
- local handle = v.Handle
- if handle:FindFirstChild("HatAttachment") or handle:FindFirstChild("HairAttachment") or handle:FindFirstChild("FaceCenterAttachment") then
- local weld = v.Handle.AccessoryWeld
- weld.C0 = weld.C0 + Vector3.new(0,-1,0)
- end
- end
- end
- char.Head.AlignPosition:Destroy()
- char.Head.AlignOrientation:Destroy()
- local function weldpart(part0, part1)
- local att0 = Instance.new("Attachment", part0)
- att0.Position = Vector3.new(0, -0.19, -0.01) --change the position to position it customly
- att0.Rotation = Vector3.new(0, 0, 0) --change the rotation to rotate it customly (mostly used for anims as i know)
- local att1 = Instance.new("Attachment", part1)
- att1.Position = Vector3.new(0,0,0)
- local AP = Instance.new("AlignPosition", part0)
- AP.Attachment0 = att0
- AP.Attachment1 = att1
- AP.RigidityEnabled = false
- AP.ReactionForceEnabled = false
- AP.ApplyAtCenterOfMass = false
- AP.MaxForce = 9999999
- AP.MaxVelocity = math.huge
- AP.Responsiveness = 2000
- local AO = Instance.new("AlignOrientation", part0)
- AO.Attachment0 = att0
- AO.Attachment1 = att1
- AO.ReactionTorqueEnabled = true
- AO.PrimaryAxisOnly = false
- AO.MaxTorque = 9999999
- AO.MaxAngularVelocity = math.huge
- AO.Responsiveness = 2000
- end
- weldpart(char.Head, nullware.Torso)
- end
- wait(3)
- local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- game:GetService("RunService").Stepped:Connect(function()
- setsimulationradius(9e9,9e9)
- plr.ReplicationFocus = workspace
- settings().Physics.AllowSleep = false
- end)
- local runservice=game:service"RunService";
- local player=game:service"Players"["LocalPlayer"];
- local character=player["Character"];
- --character["Head"]:FindFirstChildOfClass"SpecialMesh":Destroy();
- character["Humanoid"].HipHeight=-2;
- character["Left Leg"]:BreakJoints();
- character["Right Leg"]:BreakJoints();
- character["Left Arm"]:BreakJoints();
- character["Right Arm"]:BreakJoints();
- while runservice["Heartbeat"]:Wait() do
- character["Left Leg"].CFrame=character["HumanoidRootPart"].CFrame*CFrame.new(1.5,0,-0);
- character["Right Leg"].CFrame=character["HumanoidRootPart"].CFrame*CFrame.new(-1.5,0,-0);
- character["Left Arm"].CFrame=character["HumanoidRootPart"].CFrame*CFrame.new(-2.5,0,-0);
- character["Right Arm"].CFrame=character["HumanoidRootPart"].CFrame*CFrame.new(2.5,0,-0);
- end