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NEW HOOP SCRIPT OPPPP script pastebin roblox
By NEW HOOP SCRIPT OPPPP on 2024-09-22 08:00 am | Syntax: LUA | Views: 7

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  1. local a
  2. a = hookfunction(game.FindFirstChild, function(useless, whatweneed, stilluseless)
  3. if whatweneed == "NotificationFrame" then
  4. return
  5. end
  6. return a(useless,whatweneed,stilluseless)
  7. end)
  8. wait(0.2)
  9. local library = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
  10. local Wait = library.subs.Wait -- Only returns if the GUI has not been terminated. For 'while Wait() do' loops
  12. local SinnerUI = library:CreateWindow({
  13. Name = "",
  14. Themeable = {
  15. Info = ""
  16. }
  17. })
  19. local GeneralTab = SinnerUI:CreateTab({
  20. Name = "Scripts"
  21. })
  22. local PlayerSection = GeneralTab:CreateSection({
  23. Name = "Player"
  24. })
  25. PlayerSection:AddButton({
  26. Name = 'Ankle & Reach Extender',
  27. Callback = function()
  28.     print("break them bitches")
  29.     local Players = game:GetService("Players")
  30. local player = Players.LocalPlayer
  31. local character = player.Character
  32. game:GetService("Workspace")character.HumanoidRootPart.Size =,2.3,20)
  33. end
  34. })
  35. PlayerSection:AddButton({
  36. Name = '"Press Q" Auto Shoot',
  37. Callback = function()
  38. game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse().KeyDown:Connect(function(KeyPressed)
  39.  if KeyPressed == "q" then
  40. local args = {
  41.     [1] = true,
  42.     [2] = "Idle",
  43.     [3] = false
  44. }
  46. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Remotes.server.shoot:FireServer(unpack(args))
  47. wait(0.52)
  50. local args = {
  51.     [1] = false,
  52.     [2] = false
  53. }
  55. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Remotes.server.shoot:FireServer(unpack(args))
  56. end
  57. end)
  58. end
  59. })
  60. PlayerSection:AddButton({
  61. Name = '"Press Y" Ball TP',
  62. Callback = function()
  63.     print("Ball TP: On")
  64. game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse().KeyDown:Connect(function(KeyPressed)
  65.  if KeyPressed == "y" then
  66. for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace"):GetDescendants()) do
  67.     if v.Name == "Basketball" then
  68.         v.CFrame = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
  69.     end
  70. end
  71. end
  72. end)
  73. end
  74. })
  75. PlayerSection:AddButton({
  76. Name = "Infinite Stamina",
  77. Callback = function()
  78.     print("Infinite Stamina: On")
  79. local Players = game:GetService("Players")
  80. local player = Players.LocalPlayer
  81. local character = player.Character
  84. while true do
  85. game:GetService("Workspace")character.Values.stamina.Value = "1000"
  86. game:GetService("Workspace")character.Stamina.Current.Visible = false
  87. game:GetService("Workspace")character.Stamina.Background.ImageColor3 =,255,0)
  88. wait(0.5)
  89. end
  90. end
  91. })
  92. PlayerSection:AddButton({
  93. Name = "Shift Click TP",
  94. Callback = function()
  95.     print("Shift Click TP: On")
  96. local player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
  97. local char = player.Character
  98. local mouse = player:GetMouse()
  99. local uis = game:GetService("UserInputService")
  101. local shifthold  = false
  103. mouse.Button1Down:Connect(function()
  104.     if shifthold then
  105.         char:MoveTo(mouse.Hit.p)
  106.     end
  107. end)
  109. uis.InputBegan:Connect(function(input, process)
  110.     if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.LeftShift or input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.RightShift then
  111.         shifthold = true
  112.     end
  113. end)
  115. uis.InputEnded:Connect(function(input, process)
  116.     if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.LeftShift or input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.RightShift then
  117.         shifthold = false
  118.     end
  119. end)
  120. end
  121. })
  122. PlayerSection:AddToggle({
  123. Name = "Auto Sprint",
  124. Flag = "PlayerSection_AutoSprint",
  125. Callback = function()
  126. if true then
  127. local Players = game:GetService("Players")
  128. local player = Players.LocalPlayer
  129. local character = player.Character
  131. while true do
  132. game:GetService("Workspace")character.Values.sprinting.Value = true
  133. wait(0.5)
  134. end
  135. end
  136. end
  137. })
  138. PlayerSection:AddToggle({
  139. Name = "Hide Names",
  140. Flag = "PlayerSection_HideName",
  141. Callback = function()
  142. game:GetService("Workspace").NameTags:Destroy()
  143. end
  144. })
  145. PlayerSection:AddSlider({
  146. Name = "Walkspeed",
  147. Flag = "PlayerSectionSection_Walkspeed",
  148. Value = 16,
  149. Min = 14,
  150. Max = 18,
  151. Callback = function(Value)
  152.  _G.WS = (Value);
  153.                 local Humanoid = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid;
  154.                 Humanoid:GetPropertyChangedSignal("WalkSpeed"):Connect(function()
  155.                 Humanoid.WalkSpeed = _G.WS;
  156.                 end)
  157.                 Humanoid.WalkSpeed = _G.WS;
  158. end
  159. })
  161. local BadgeSection = GeneralTab:CreateSection({
  162. Name = "Grand Badges"
  163. })
  164. BadgeSection:AddToggle({
  165. Name = "Slasher",
  166. Flag = "Badges_Slasher",
  167. Callback = function()
  168.     game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.Grandbadges.SlasherGrandBadge.Enabled = true
  169.     while true do
  170. game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Grand.Slasher.Value = true
  171. wait(0.3)
  172. end
  173. end
  174. })
  175. BadgeSection:AddToggle({
  176. Name = "Lockdown",
  177. Flag = "Badges_Lockdown",
  178. Callback = function()
  179.         game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.Grandbadges.LockGrandBadge.Enabled = true
  180.     while true do
  181. game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Grand.Lock.Value = true
  182. wait(0.3)
  183. end
  184. end
  185. })
  186. BadgeSection:AddToggle({
  187. Name = "Playmaker",
  188. Flag = "Badges_Playmaker",
  189. Callback = function()
  190.         game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.Grandbadges.PlayGrandBadge.Enabled = true
  191.     while true do
  192. game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Grand.Play.Value = true
  193. wait(0.3)
  194. end
  195. end
  196. })
  197. BadgeSection:AddToggle({
  198. Name = "Sharpshooter",
  199. Flag = "Badges_Sharpshooter",
  200. Callback = function()
  201.         game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.Grandbadges.SharpGrandBadge.Enabled = true
  202.     while true do
  203. game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Grand.Sharp.Value = true
  204. wait(0.3)
  205. end
  206. end
  207. })
  208. local PatchSection = GeneralTab:CreateSection({
  209. Name = "Patch Log",
  210. })
  211. PatchSection:AddLabel({
  212. Name = "rip 20+ speed hacks",
  213. })
  214. PatchSection:AddLabel({
  215. Name = "rip hip height changer",
  216. })
  217. local CreditSection = GeneralTab:CreateSection({
  218. Name = "Credits",
  219. Side = "Right"
  220. })
  221. CreditSection:AddLabel({
  222. Name = "sins#0069",
  223. })
  224. CreditSection:AddLabel({
  225. Name = "Upscale#3662",
  226. })
  227. CreditSection:AddLabel({
  228. Name = "KamiRyoshi#8507",
  229. })
  233. local SlotSection = GeneralTab:CreateSection({
  234. Name = "Slots",
  235. Side = "Right"
  236. })
  237. SlotSection:AddButton({
  238. Name = "Reset Slot 1",
  239. Callback = function()
  240.     local args = {
  241.     [1] = "Place",
  242.     [2] = "Create-My Player",
  243.     [3] = {
  244.         ["Slot"] = "Slot1"
  245.     }
  246. }
  248. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Remotes:FindFirstChild(" \226\128\143\226\128\143\226\128\142 "):InvokeServer(unpack(args))
  250. print("slot reset")
  251. end
  252. })
  253. SlotSection:AddButton({
  254. Name = "Reset Slot 2",
  255. Callback = function()
  256.     local args = {
  257.     [1] = "Place",
  258.     [2] = "Create-My Player",
  259.     [3] = {
  260.         ["Slot"] = "Slot2"
  261.     }
  262. }
  264. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Remotes:FindFirstChild(" \226\128\143\226\128\143\226\128\142 "):InvokeServer(unpack(args))
  266. print("slot reset")
  267. end
  268. })
  269. SlotSection:AddButton({
  270. Name = "Reset Slot 3",
  271. Callback = function()
  272. print("slot reset")
  273. local args = {
  274.     [1] = "Place",
  275.     [2] = "Create-My Player",
  276.     [3] = {
  277.         ["Slot"] = "Slot3"
  278.     }
  279. }
  281. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Remotes:FindFirstChild(" \226\128\143\226\128\143\226\128\142 "):InvokeServer(unpack(args))
  283. end
  284. })
  286. local CourtSection = GeneralTab:CreateSection({
  287. Name = "Court",
  288. Side = "Right"
  289. })
  290. CourtSection:AddButton({
  291. Name = "Anti Out",
  292. Callback = function()
  293. game:GetService("Workspace").Courts["Court 2"].OOB:Destroy()
  294. game:GetService("Workspace").Courts["Court 4"].OOB:Destroy()
  295. game:GetService("Workspace").Courts["Court 5"].OOB:Destroy()
  296. game:GetService("Workspace").Courts["Court 6"].OOB:Destroy()
  297. game:GetService("Workspace").Courts["Court 3"].OOB:Destroy()
  298. game:GetService("Workspace").Courts["Court 1"].OOB:Destroy()
  299. end
  300. })
  301. CourtSection:AddButton({
  302. Name = "Remove Nets",
  303. Callback = function()
  304. game:GetService("Workspace").Nets:Destroy()
  305. end
  306. })
  307. CourtSection:AddButton({
  308. Name = "Hoop Expander",
  309. Callback = function()
  310.         for _, v in pairs (game.workspace:GetDescendants())do
  311. if v.Name == 'Goal' then
  312. v.Size =,6,6)
  313. end
  314. end
  315. end
  316. })
  317. CourtSection:Slider({
  318. Name = "Hoop Hitbox Transparency",
  319. Flag = "CourtSection_HoopT",
  320. Value = 1,
  321. Min = 0,
  322. Max = 1,
  323. Callback = function(Value)
  324.         for _, v in pairs (game.workspace:GetDescendants())do
  325. if v.Name == 'Goal' then
  326. v.Transparency = (Value)
  327. end
  328. end
  329. end
  330. })
  332. -- discord invite script
  333. local json = {
  334. ["cmd"] = "INVITE_BROWSER",
  335. ["args"] = {
  336. ["code"] = "sinsploit"
  337. },
  338. ["nonce"] = 'a'
  339. }
  340. spawn(function()
  341. print(syn.request({
  342. Url = '',
  343. Method = 'POST',
  344. Headers = {
  345. ['Content-Type'] = 'application/json',
  346. ['Origin'] = ''
  347. },
  348. Body = game:GetService('HttpService'):JSONEncode(json),
  349. }).Body)
  350. end)
  351.     -- discord invite workspace folder save
  352.     if syn then
  353.    if isfolder("sinsploit") then
  354.    else
  355.        makefolder("sinsploit")
  356.    end
  357. end
  359. if syn then
  360.    if isfile('sinsploit/discord invite.lua') then
  361.    else
  362.        _G.invite = [[
  363.     local json = {
  364.     ["cmd"] = "INVITE_BROWSER",
  365.     ["args"] = {
  366.     ["code"] = "sinsploit"
  367.     },
  368.     ["nonce"] = 'a'
  369.     }
  370.     spawn(function()
  371.     print(syn.request({
  372.     Url = '',
  373.     Method = 'POST',
  374.     Headers = {
  375.     ['Content-Type'] = 'application/json',
  376.     ['Origin'] = ''
  377.     },
  378.     Body = game:GetService('HttpService'):JSONEncode(json),
  379.     }).Body)
  380.     end)
  381.     setclipboard("")
  382.        ]]
  383.        writefile("sinsploit/discord invite.lua", (_G.invite))
  384.    end
  385. end
  386. rconsoleclear('s')

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