- -- [[ Toggle ]] -- _G.Enabled = true -- Toggles script on and off -- [[ Imposter ]] -- _G.AutoKill = true -- Automatically kill as imposter _G.KillType = 1 -- 1) Kill people 2 at a time 2) Kill everyone (Buggy) _G.AutoSabotage = true -- Automatically Sabotage devices _G.ChosenSabotage = 1 -- If auto sabotage is enabled this will pick a certain sabotage to trigger 1) Oxygen 2) Reactor 3) Communications 4) Lighting _G.AutoLockDoors = true -- Automatically lock doors -- [[ Innocent ]] -- _G.AutoFixSabotage = true -- Automatically fix sabotaged devices _G.AutoTask = true -- Automatically completes tasks for you -- [[ General ]] -- _G.HidePlayer = true -- Hides you at lobby -- [[ Code - Obfuscated with PSU https://www.psu.dev/ & discord.gg/psu ]] -- loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/0ctax/ROBLOX-Scripts/master/Impostor!/Obfuscated_Auto_Play.lua"))()