- Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer Mouse = Player:GetMouse() UserInput = game:GetService('UserInputService') RunService = game:GetService('RunService') local Enabled = {sliceHack=false, godMode=false} local function Notify(msg, on) game.StarterGui:SetCore('ChatMakeSystemMessage', { Text = msg..tostring(on); Font = Enum.Font.ArialBold; Color = Color3.new(not(on) and 255 or 0,on and 250 or 0,0); FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size96; }) end Switch = UserInput.InputBegan:Connect(function(Key) if(Key.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.F1) then Enabled.sliceHack = not(Enabled.sliceHack) Notify("SlicedHack On: ", Enabled.sliceHack) elseif(Key.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.F2) then Enabled.godMode = not(Enabled.godMode) Notify("GodMode On: ", Enabled.godMode) elseif(Key.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.F3) then Notify("FireAura On: ", true) game.ReplicatedStorage.NetworkFolder.GameFunction:InvokeServer("ProcessKey", { AimPos = Vector3.new(), Key = "V", ExtraData = { Ability = "Fire Fly End" } }); end end) local sliceActive = false local sliceController = function(Input) if(Input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1) then sliceActive = not(sliceActive) end end UserInput.InputBegan:Connect(sliceController) UserInput.InputEnded:Connect(sliceController) RunService.RenderStepped:Connect(function() if(Enabled.sliceHack and sliceActive) then spawn(function() game.ReplicatedStorage.NetworkFolder.GameFunction:InvokeServer('ProcessKey', { Key = "Water Slice", AimPos = Mouse.Hit.p }) end) end if(Enabled.godMode) then pcall(function() local Health = Player.Character:WaitForChild('BattlerHealth') if(Health.Value < Health.MaxValue) then game.ReplicatedStorage.NetworkFolder.GameFunction:InvokeServer('ProcessKey', { Key = "Burn", Damage = -350, Opponent = Player }) end end) end end)