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Counter Blox script pastebin roblox
By LINK GAME on 2024-09-20 08:00 am | Syntax: LUA | Views: 12

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  1. --butcher that shit yea
  3. local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
  5. shared.Visuals = { --// Configuration (Will load default settings if shared.Visuals doesn't exist.)
  6.     Enabled = true,
  7.     CrosshairEnabled = false,
  8.     Boxes = true,
  9.     Healthbar = true,
  10.     Tracers = true,
  11.     Info = true,
  12.     ShowAllyTeam = true,
  13.     UseTeamColor = true,
  14.     AllyColor = Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 0),
  15.     EnemyColor = Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0),
  16.     Crosshair = {
  17.         Size = 5,
  18.         Thickness = 1.5,
  19.         Offset = 5
  20.     }
  21. }
  23. loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
  25. local lifetime = 5 -- seconds
  26. local material = Enum.Material.ForceField
  27. local thickness = 0.1
  28. local color = Color3.fromRGB(128, 1, 128)
  30. local mt = getrawmetatable(game)
  31. local old = mt.__namecall
  32. local lp = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
  33. local rs = game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped
  34. local lasthittick = tick()
  35. function createBeam(p1, p2)
  36.         local beam ="Part", workspace)
  37.         beam.Anchored = true
  38.         beam.CanCollide = false
  39.         beam.Material = material
  40.         beam.Color = color
  41.         beam.Size =, thickness, (p1 - p2).magnitude)
  42.         beam.CFrame =, p2) *, 0, -beam.Size.Z / 2)
  43.         return beam
  44. end
  46. setreadonly(mt, false)
  47. mt.__namecall = newcclosure(function(self, ...)
  48.         local args = {...}
  49.         if getnamecallmethod() == "FireServer" and self.Name == "HitPart" and tick() - lasthittick > 0.005 then
  50.                 lasthittick = tick()
  51.                 spawn(function()
  52.                         local beam = createBeam(lp.Character.Head.CFrame.p, args[2])
  53.                         for i = 1, 60 * lifetime do
  54.                                 rs:Wait()
  55.                                 beam.Transparency = i / (60 * lifetime)
  56.                         end
  57.                         beam:Destroy()
  58.                 end)
  59.         end
  60.         return old(self, ...)
  61. end)
  62. setreadonly(mt, true)
  64. local lp = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
  65. local client = getsenv(lp.PlayerGui.Client)
  66. local spincurrent = 0
  67. local hitpart = nil
  68. game:GetService('RunService').RenderStepped:Connect(function()
  69.         if game:GetService("UserInputService"):IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.Space) and game:GetService("UserInputService"):GetFocusedTextBox() == nil then
  70.                 if lp.Character and lp.Character:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') and lp.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') then
  71.                         if lp.Character.HumanoidRootPart:FindFirstChild('gamervelocity') then
  72.                                 lp.Character.HumanoidRootPart.gamervelocity.Velocity = (lp.Character.Humanoid.MoveDirection) * 40
  73.                                 lp.Character.Humanoid.Jump = true
  74.                         else
  75.                                 lp.Character.Humanoid.Jump = true
  76.                                 local velocity ='BodyVelocity', lp.Character.HumanoidRootPart)
  77.                                 velocity.Name = 'gamervelocity'
  78.                                 velocity.maxForce =, 0, 100000)
  79.                                 velocity.Velocity = (lp.Character.Humanoid.MoveDirection) * 40
  80.                         end
  81.                 end
  82.         else
  83.                 if lp.Character and lp.Character:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') and lp.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') then
  84.                         if lp.Character.HumanoidRootPart:FindFirstChild('gamervelocity') then
  85.                                 lp.Character.HumanoidRootPart.gamervelocity:Destroy()
  86.                         end
  87.                 end
  88.         end
  89.     if lp.Character and lp.Character:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') and lp.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') then
  90.         spincurrent = spincurrent + 45
  91.         lp.Character.Humanoid.AutoRotate = false
  92.         lp.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame =, lp.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position +,0,0)) * CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(spincurrent), 0)
  93.     end
  94.     lp.CameraMode = 'Classic'
  95.         lp.CameraMaxZoomDistance = 10
  96.         lp.CameraMinZoomDistance = 10
  97.         workspace.CurrentCamera.FieldOfView = 100
  98.         if workspace.Status.Preparation.Value == false and lp.Character and lp.Character:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') and lp.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') and lp.Character.Humanoid.Health > 0 then
  99.                 for _, player in pairs(game:GetService('Players'):GetPlayers()) do
  100.                         if player.Team ~= lp.Team then
  101.                                 if player.Status.Alive.Value == true and player.Character and not player.Character:FindFirstChild('ForceField') and player.Character:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') and player.Character:FindFirstChild('HeadHB') and player.Character.Humanoid.Health > 0 then
  102.                                         local collision = lp.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.p +, 1.4, 0)
  103.                                         local ignore = {workspace.Ray_Ignore, lp.Character, workspace:WaitForChild('Map').Clips}
  104.                                         local ray =
  105.                                                 collision,
  106.                                                 (player.Character.Head.Position-collision).unit * math.clamp(client.gun.Range.Value, 1000000, 1000000)
  108.                                         )
  109.                                         for _, accessory in pairs(player.Character:GetChildren()) do
  110.                                             if accessory:IsA('Accessory') then
  111.                                                 table.insert(ignore,accessory)
  112.                                            end
  113.                                         end
  114.                                         local hit,pos = workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(ray,ignore,false,true)
  115.                                         if hit and hit.Parent == player.Character then
  116.                                                 hitpart = player.Character.HeadHB
  117.                                                 if not client.DISABLED then
  118.                                                 client.firebullet().Heartbeat:Wait()
  119.                                                 end
  120.                                         else
  121.                                                 hitpart = nil
  122.                                         end
  123.                                 end
  124.                         end
  125.                 end
  126.         end
  127. end)
  128. local meta = getrawmetatable(game)
  129. local index = meta.__index
  130. local realnamecall = meta.__namecall
  131. local newindex = meta.__newindex
  132. setreadonly(meta, false)
  134. wait(1.2)
  135. game.StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
  136. Title = "V1TAP"; -- the title (ofc)
  137. Text = "Version 1.2 Injected!"; -- what the text says (ofc)
  138. Icon = "rbxassetid://6953153735"; -- the image if u want.
  139. Duration = 5; -- how long the notification should in secounds
  140. })
  142. meta.__namecall = newcclosure(function(self,...)
  143.         local args = {...}
  144.         local namecall = getnamecallmethod()
  145.         if namecall == "GetState" then
  146.                 return Enum.HumanoidStateType.Physics
  147.         end
  148.         if namecall == "InvokeServer" and self.Name == "Hugh" then
  149.                 return
  150.         end
  151.     if namecall == 'FireServer' and self.Name == 'ControlTurn' then
  152.         args[1] = -1
  153.         end
  154.         if namecall == "FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList" then
  155.                 if hitpart and lp.Character then
  156.                         local _ = lp.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.p +, 1.4, 0)
  157.                         args[1] =,, hitpart.CFrame.p).lookVector.unit * 999)
  158.                 end      
  159.         end
  160.         return realnamecall(self, unpack(args))
  161. end)
  162. meta.__index =
  163.     newcclosure(function(self, G)
  164.                 if not checkcaller() and self == lp and G == "CameraMode" and lp.Character then
  165.                         lp.CameraMode = 'Classic'
  166.             return 20
  167.         end
  168.         return index(self, G)
  169.     end
  170. )