- --[[ To fly jump 2 times -ulti55]]
- --[[ To go down press q ]]
- script.Parent = nil
- function fly()
- for i,v in pairs(script:GetChildren()) do
- pcall(function() v.Value = "" end)
- game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(v,.1)
- end
- function weld(p0,p1,c0,c1,par)
- local w = Instance.new("Weld",p0 or par)
- w.Part0 = p0
- w.Part1 = p1
- w.C0 = c0 or CFrame.new()
- w.C1 = c1 or CFrame.new()
- return w
- end
- local motors = {}
- function motor(p0,p1,c0,c1,des,vel,par)
- local w = Instance.new("Motor6D",p0 or par)
- w.Part0 = p0
- w.Part1 = p1
- w.C0 = c0 or CFrame.new()
- w.C1 = c1 or CFrame.new()
- w.MaxVelocity = tonumber(vel) or .05
- w.DesiredAngle = tonumber(des) or 0
- return w
- end
- function lerp(a,b,c)
- return a+(b-a)*c
- end
- function clerp(c1,c2,al)
- local com1 = {c1.X,c1.Y,c1.Z,c1:toEulerAnglesXYZ()}
- local com2 = {c2.X,c2.Y,c2.Z,c2:toEulerAnglesXYZ()}
- for i,v in pairs(com1) do
- com1[i] = lerp(v,com2[i],al)
- end
- return CFrame.new(com1[1],com1[2],com1[3]) * CFrame.Angles(select(4,unpack(com1)))
- end
- function ccomplerp(c1,c2,al)
- local com1 = {c1:components()}
- local com2 = {c2:components()}
- for i,v in pairs(com1) do
- com1[i] = lerp(v,com2[i],al)
- end
- return CFrame.new(unpack(com1))
- end
- function tickwave(time,length,offset)
- return (math.abs((tick()+(offset or 0))%time-time/2)*2-time/2)/time/2*length
- end
- function invcol(c)
- c = c.Color
- return BrickColor.new(Color3.new(1-c.b,1-c.g,1-c.r))
- end
- local oc = oc or function(...) return ... end
- local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local char = plr.Character
- local tor = char.Torso
- local hum = char.Humanoid
- hum.PlatformStand = false
- pcall(function()
- char.Wings:Destroy()
- end)
- pcall(function()
- char.Angel:Destroy() -- hat
- end)
- local mod = Instance.new("Model",char)
- mod.Name = "Wings"
- local special = {
- --antiboomz0r = {"Really black","Institutional white",0,0,false,Color3.new(1,1,.95),Color3.new(1,1,.6)},
- antiboomz0r = {"New Yeller",nil,0.4,0.7,true,Color3.new(1,1,.95),Color3.new(1,1,.6)},
- --antiboomz0r = {"Cyan","Toothpaste",0,0,false,Color3.new(1,0,0),Color3.new(0,0,0)},
- taart = {"Royal purple",nil,.4,.4,true},
- mitta = {"Black",nil,0,0,false},
- penjuin3 = {"White",nil,0,0,false},
- thepc8110 = {"Black","Bright red",.5,0,false,Color3.new(1,0,0),Color3.new(0,0,0)},
- nonspeaker = {"Cyan","Toothpaste",0,0,false,Color3.new(1,0,0),Color3.new(0,0,0)},
- littleau999 = {"Reddish brown",1030,0,0,false},
- unscripter = {"Really black","Really black",.2,0,true,Color3.new(0,0,0),Color3.new(0,0,0)},
- oxcool1 = {"Really black","White",.2,0,false,Color3.new(0,0,0),Color3.new(0,0,0)},
- krodmiss = {"Really black",nil,0,0,false},
- }
- local topcolor = invcol(char.Torso.BrickColor)
- local feacolor = char.Torso.BrickColor
- local ptrans = 0
- local pref = 0
- local fire = false
- local fmcol = Color3.new()
- local fscol = Color3.new()
- local spec = special[plr.Name:lower()]
- if spec then
- topcolor,feacolor,ptrans,pref,fire,fmcol,fscol = spec[1] and BrickColor.new(spec[1]) or topcolor,spec[2] and BrickColor.new(spec[2]) or feacolor,spec[3],spec[4],spec[5],spec[6],spec[7]
- end
- local part = Instance.new("Part")
- part.FormFactor = "Custom"
- part.Size = Vector3.new(.2,.2,.2)
- part.TopSurface,part.BottomSurface = 0,0
- part.CanCollide = false
- part.BrickColor = topcolor
- part.Transparency = ptrans
- part.Reflectance = pref
- local ef = Instance.new("Fire",fire and part or nil)
- ef.Size = .15
- ef.Color = fmcol or Color3.new()
- ef.SecondaryColor = fscol or Color3.new()
- part:BreakJoints()
- function newpart()
- local clone = part:Clone()
- clone.Parent = mod
- clone:BreakJoints()
- return clone
- end
- local feath = newpart()
- feath.BrickColor = feacolor
- feath.Transparency = 0
- Instance.new("SpecialMesh",feath).MeshType = "Sphere"
- function newfeather()
- local clone = feath:Clone()
- clone.Parent = mod
- clone:BreakJoints()
- return clone
- end
- ---------- RIGHT WING
- local r1 = newpart()
- r1.Size = Vector3.new(.3,1.5,.3)*1.2
- local rm1 = motor(tor,r1,CFrame.new(.35,.6,.4) * CFrame.Angles(0,0,math.rad(-60)) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(30),math.rad(-25),0),CFrame.new(0,-.8,0),.1)
- local r2 = newpart()
- r2.Size = Vector3.new(.4,1.8,.4)*1.2
- local rm2 = motor(r1,r2,CFrame.new(0,.75,0) * CFrame.Angles(0,0,math.rad(50)) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-30),math.rad(15),0),CFrame.new(0,-.9,0),.1)
- local r3 = newpart()
- r3.Size = Vector3.new(.3,2.2,.3)*1.2
- local rm3 = motor(r2,r3,CFrame.new(.1,.9,0) * CFrame.Angles(0,0,math.rad(-140)) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-3),0,0),CFrame.new(0,-1.1,0),.1)
- local r4 = newpart()
- r4.Size = Vector3.new(.25,1.2,.25)*1.2
- local rm4 = motor(r3,r4,CFrame.new(0,1.1,0) * CFrame.Angles(0,0,math.rad(-10)) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-3),0,0),CFrame.new(0,-.6,0),.1)
- local feather = newfeather()
- feather.Mesh.Scale = Vector3.new(1,1,1)
- feather.Size = Vector3.new(.4,3,.3)
- weld(r4,feather,CFrame.new(-.1,-.3,0),CFrame.new(0,-1.5,0))
- feather = newfeather()
- feather.Mesh.Scale = Vector3.new(1,1,1)
- feather.Size = Vector3.new(.4,2.3,.3)
- weld(r4,feather,CFrame.new(.1,-.1,0) * CFrame.Angles(0,math.random()*.1,0),CFrame.new(0,-1.1,0))
- feather = newfeather()
- feather.Mesh.Scale = Vector3.new(1,1,1)
- feather.Size = Vector3.new(.35,2.2,.25)
- weld(r4,feather,CFrame.new(.1,-.3,0) * CFrame.Angles(0,math.random()*.1,math.rad(-10)),CFrame.new(0,-1.1,0))
- local rf3 = {}
- for i=0,7 do
- feather = newfeather()
- feather.Mesh.Scale = Vector3.new(1,1,1)
- feather.Size = Vector3.new(.45,2.2,.35)
- table.insert(rf3,motor(r3,feather,CFrame.new(.05,1-i*.285,0) * CFrame.Angles(0,math.random()*.1,math.rad(-25-i*2)),CFrame.new(0,-feather.Size.Y/2,0)))
- end
- local rf2 = {}
- for i=0,6 do
- feather = newfeather()
- feather.Mesh.Scale = Vector3.new(1,1,1)
- feather.Size = Vector3.new(.45,2.2-i*.08,.3)
- table.insert(rf2,motor(r2,feather,CFrame.new(.05,.75-i*.26,0) * CFrame.Angles(0,math.random()*.1,math.rad(-75-i*4)),CFrame.new(0,-feather.Size.Y/2,0)))
- end
- local rf1 = {}
- for i=0,6 do
- feather = newfeather()
- feather.Mesh.Scale = Vector3.new(1,1,1)
- feather.Size = Vector3.new(.37,1.65-i*.06,.25)
- table.insert(rf1,motor(r1,feather,CFrame.new(.05,.63-i*.21,0) * CFrame.Angles(0,math.random()*.05,math.rad(-75)),CFrame.new(0,-feather.Size.Y/2,0)))
- end
- ---------- LEFT WING
- local l1 = newpart()
- l1.Size = Vector3.new(.3,1.5,.3)*1.2
- local lm1 = motor(tor,l1,CFrame.new(-.35,.6,.4) * CFrame.Angles(0,0,math.rad(60)) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(30),math.rad(25),0) * CFrame.Angles(0,-math.pi,0),CFrame.new(0,-.8,0) ,.1)
- local l2 = newpart()
- l2.Size = Vector3.new(.4,1.8,.4)*1.2
- local lm2 = motor(l1,l2,CFrame.new(0,.75,0) * CFrame.Angles(0,0,math.rad(50)) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(30),math.rad(-15),0),CFrame.new(0,-.9,0),.1)
- local l3 = newpart()
- l3.Size = Vector3.new(.3,2.2,.3)*1.2
- local lm3 = motor(l2,l3,CFrame.new(.1,.9,0) * CFrame.Angles(0,0,math.rad(-140)) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(3),0,0),CFrame.new(0,-1.1,0),.1)
- local l4 = newpart()
- l4.Size = Vector3.new(.25,1.2,.25)*1.2
- local lm4 = motor(l3,l4,CFrame.new(0,1.1,0) * CFrame.Angles(0,0,math.rad(-10)) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(3),0,0),CFrame.new(0,-.6,0),.1)
- local feather = newfeather()
- feather.Mesh.Scale = Vector3.new(1,1,1)
- feather.Size = Vector3.new(.4,3,.3)
- weld(l4,feather,CFrame.new(-.1,-.3,0),CFrame.new(0,-1.5,0))
- feather = newfeather()
- feather.Mesh.Scale = Vector3.new(1,1,1)
- feather.Size = Vector3.new(.4,2.3,.3)
- weld(l4,feather,CFrame.new(.1,-.1,0) * CFrame.Angles(0,math.random()*.1,0),CFrame.new(0,-1.1,0))
- feather = newfeather()
- feather.Mesh.Scale = Vector3.new(1,1,1)
- feather.Size = Vector3.new(.35,2.2,.25)
- weld(l4,feather,CFrame.new(.1,-.3,0) * CFrame.Angles(0,math.random()*.1,math.rad(-10)),CFrame.new(0,-1.1,0))
- local lf3 = {}
- for i=0,7 do
- feather = newfeather()
- feather.Mesh.Scale = Vector3.new(1,1,1)
- feather.Size = Vector3.new(.45,2.2,.35)
- table.insert(lf3,motor(l3,feather,CFrame.new(.05,1-i*.285,0) * CFrame.Angles(0,math.random()*.1,math.rad(-25-i*2)),CFrame.new(0,-feather.Size.Y/2,0)))
- end
- local lf2 = {}
- for i=0,6 do
- feather = newfeather()
- feather.Mesh.Scale = Vector3.new(1,1,1)
- feather.Size = Vector3.new(.45,2.2-i*.08,.3)
- table.insert(lf2,motor(l2,feather,CFrame.new(.05,.75-i*.26,0) * CFrame.Angles(0,math.random()*.1,math.rad(-75-i*4)),CFrame.new(0,-feather.Size.Y/2,0)))
- end
- local lf1 = {}
- for i=0,6 do
- feather = newfeather()
- feather.Mesh.Scale = Vector3.new(1,1,1)
- feather.Size = Vector3.new(.37,1.65-i*.06,.25)
- table.insert(lf1,motor(l1,feather,CFrame.new(.05,.63-i*.21,0) * CFrame.Angles(0,math.random()*.05,math.rad(-75)),CFrame.new(0,-feather.Size.Y/2,0)))
- end
- local rwing = {rm1,rm2,rm3,rm4}
- local lwing = {lm1,lm2,lm3,lm4}
- local oc0 = {}
- for i,v in pairs(rwing) do
- oc0[v] = v.C0
- end
- for i,v in pairs(lwing) do
- oc0[v] = v.C0
- end
- function gotResized()
- if lastsize then
- if tor.Size == lastsize then return end -- This shouldn't happen?
- local scaleVec = tor.Size/lastsize
- for i,v in pairs(oc0) do
- oc0[i] = v-v.p+scaleVec*v.p
- end
- lastsize = tor.Size
- end
- lastsize = tor.Size
- end
- tor.Changed:connect(function(p)
- if p == "Size" then
- gotResized()
- end
- end)
- gotResized()
- local idle = {0,0.5,-.2,0; .05,.05,.1,.05; -.6,-1.5,.1,0;}--0,.3,0,0
- local outlow = {-.7,-.2,1.8,0; .3,.05,.1,.05; .2,0,0,0}
- local outhigh = {.5,-.2,1.8,0; .3,.05,.1,.05; .2,0,0,0}
- local veryhigh = {.9,-.3,1.9,0; .3,.05,.1,.05; .2,0,0,0}
- local flap1 = {-.3,.3,1.1,-.2; .3,.05,.1,.05; .2,-.6,0,0}
- local divebomb = {0,.2,.4,-.7; .3,.05,.1,.05; 0,-.5,-.6,0}
- function setwings(tab,time)
- time = time or 10
- for i=1,4 do
- rwing[i].DesiredAngle = tab[i]
- lwing[i].DesiredAngle = tab[i]
- rwing[i].MaxVelocity = math.abs(tab[i]-rwing[i].CurrentAngle)/time
- lwing[i].MaxVelocity = math.abs(tab[i]-lwing[i].CurrentAngle)/time
- local rcf = oc0[rwing[i]] * (tab[12+i] or CFrame.new())
- local lcf = oc0[lwing[i]] * (tab[12+i] or CFrame.new())
- end
- for i,v in pairs(rf1) do
- v.DesiredAngle = tab[9]
- v.MaxVelocity = math.abs(v.DesiredAngle-v.CurrentAngle)/time
- end
- for i,v in pairs(lf1) do
- v.DesiredAngle = tab[9]
- v.MaxVelocity = math.abs(v.DesiredAngle-v.CurrentAngle)/time
- end
- for i,v in pairs(rf2) do
- v.DesiredAngle = tab[10]
- v.MaxVelocity = math.abs(v.DesiredAngle-v.CurrentAngle)/time
- end
- for i,v in pairs(lf2) do
- v.DesiredAngle = tab[10]
- v.MaxVelocity = math.abs(v.DesiredAngle-v.CurrentAngle)/time
- end
- for i,v in pairs(rf3) do
- v.DesiredAngle = tab[11]
- v.MaxVelocity = math.abs(v.DesiredAngle-v.CurrentAngle)/time
- end
- for i,v in pairs(lf3) do
- v.DesiredAngle = tab[11]
- v.MaxVelocity = math.abs(v.DesiredAngle-v.CurrentAngle)/time
- end
- end
- setwings(outhigh,1)
- flying = false
- moving = false
- for i,v in pairs(tor:GetChildren()) do
- if v.ClassName:lower():match("body") then
- v:Destroy()
- end
- end
- local ctor = tor:Clone()
- ctor:ClearAllChildren()
- ctor.Name = "cTorso"
- ctor.Transparency = 1
- ctor.CanCollide = false
- ctor.FormFactor = "Custom"
- ctor.Size = Vector3.new(.2,.2,.2)
- ctor.Parent = mod
- weld(tor,ctor)
- local bg = Instance.new("BodyGyro",ctor)
- bg.maxTorque = Vector3.new()
- bg.P = 15000
- bg.D = 1000
- local bv = Instance.new("BodyVelocity",ctor)
- bv.maxForce = Vector3.new()
- bv.P = 15000
- vel = Vector3.new()
- cf = CFrame.new()
- flspd = 0
- keysdown = {}
- keypressed = {}
- ktime = {}
- descendtimer = 0
- jumptime = tick()
- hum.Jumping:connect(function()
- jumptime = tick()
- end)
- cam = workspace.CurrentCamera
- kd = plr:GetMouse().KeyDown:connect(oc(function(key)
- keysdown[key] = true
- keypressed[key] = true
- if key == "q" then
- descendtimer = tick()
- elseif key == " " and not hum.Jump then
- jumptime = tick()
- elseif (key == "a" or key == "d") and ktime[key] and tick()-ktime[key] < .3 and math.abs(reqrotx) < .3 then
- reqrotx = key == "a" and math.pi*2 or -math.pi*2
- end
- ktime[key] = tick()
- end))
- ku = plr:GetMouse().KeyUp:connect(function(key)
- keysdown[key] = false
- if key == " " then
- descendtimer = tick()
- end
- end)
- function mid(a,b,c)
- return math.max(a,math.min(b,c or -a))
- end
- function bn(a)
- return a and 1 or 0
- end
- function gm(tar)
- local m = 0
- for i,v in pairs(tar:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsA("BasePart") then
- m = m + v:GetMass()
- end
- m = m + gm(v)
- end
- return m
- end
- reqrotx = 0
- local grav = 196.2
- local con
- con = game:GetService("RunService").Stepped:connect(oc(function()
- --[[if not mod:IsDescendantOf(workspace) then
- pcall(function() kd:disconnect() end)
- pcall(function() ku:disconnect() end)
- bg:Destroy()
- bv:Destroy()
- con:disconnect()
- script:Destroy()
- return
- end]]
- local obvel = tor.CFrame:vectorToObjectSpace(tor.Velocity)
- local sspd, uspd,fspd = obvel.X,obvel.Y,obvel.Z
- if flying then
- local lfldir = fldir
- fldir = cam.CoordinateFrame:vectorToWorldSpace(Vector3.new(bn(keysdown.d)-bn(keysdown.a),0,bn(keysdown.s)-bn(keysdown.w))).unit
- local lmoving = moving
- moving = fldir.magnitude > .1
- if lmoving and not moving then
- idledir = lfldir*Vector3.new(1,0,1)
- descendtimer = tick()
- end
- local dbomb = fldir.Y < -.6 or (moving and keysdown["1"])
- if moving and keysdown["0"] and lmoving then
- fldir = (Vector3.new(lfldir.X,math.min(fldir.Y,lfldir.Y+.01)-.1,lfldir.Z)+(fldir*Vector3.new(1,0,1))*.05).unit
- end
- local down = tor.CFrame:vectorToWorldSpace(Vector3.new(0,-1,0))
- local descending = (not moving and keysdown["q"] and not keysdown[" "])
- cf = ccomplerp(cf,CFrame.new(tor.Position,tor.Position+(not moving and idledir or fldir)),keysdown["0"] and .02 or .07)
- local gdown = not dbomb and cf.lookVector.Y < -.2 and tor.Velocity.unit.Y < .05
- hum.PlatformStand = true
- bg.maxTorque = Vector3.new(1,1,1)*9e5
- local rotvel = CFrame.new(Vector3.new(),tor.Velocity):toObjectSpace(CFrame.new(Vector3.new(),fldir)).lookVector
- bg.cframe = cf * CFrame.Angles(not moving and -.1 or -math.pi/2+.2,moving and mid(-2.5,rotvel.X/1.5) + reqrotx or 0,0)
- reqrotx = reqrotx - reqrotx/10
- bv.maxForce = Vector3.new(1,1,1)*9e4*.5
- local anioff =(bn(keysdown[" "])-bn(keysdown["q"]))/2
- local ani = tickwave(1.5-anioff,1)
- bv.velocity = bv.velocity:Lerp(Vector3.new(0,bn(not moving)*-ani*15+(descending and math.min(20,tick()-descendtimer)*-8 or bn(keysdown[" "])-bn(keysdown["q"]))*15,0)+vel,.6)
- vel = moving and cf.lookVector*flspd or Vector3.new()
- flspd = math.min(120,lerp(flspd,moving and (fldir.Y 1 then
- flying = false
- hum.PlatformStand = false
- tor.Velocity = Vector3.new()
- end
- else
- bg.maxTorque = Vector3.new()
- bv.maxForce = Vector3.new()
- local ani = tickwave(walking and .8 or 4.5,1)
- setwings(idle,10)
- local x,y,z = fspd/160,uspd/700,sspd/900
- for i=1,4 do
- rwing[i].C0 = clerp(rwing[i].C0,oc0[rwing[i]] * CFrame.Angles(ani*.1 + -mid(-.1,x),0 + -mid(-.1,y) + bn(i==2)*.6,ani*.02 + -mid(-.1,z)),.2)
- lwing[i].C0 = clerp(lwing[i].C0,oc0[lwing[i]] * CFrame.Angles(ani*-.05 + mid(-.1,x),0 + mid(-.1,y) + -bn(i==2)*.6,ani*.02 + mid(-.1,z)),.2)
- end
- if keypressed[" "] and not flying and (tick()-jumptime > .05 and (tick()-jumptime < 3 or hum.Jump)) then
- vel = Vector3.new(0,50,0)
- bv.velocity = vel
- idledir = cam.CoordinateFrame.lookVector*Vector3.new(1,0,1)
- cf = tor.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(-.01,0,0)
- tor.CFrame = cf
- bg.cframe = cf
- flystart = tick()
- flying = true
- end
- end
- keypressed = {}
- end))
- end fly()
- --Bird Wings By Rosemarijohn2