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*Blatant* Hitbox Expander script pastebin roblox
By *Blatant* Hitbox Expander on 2024-09-21 08:00 am | Syntax: LUA | Views: 11

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  1. -- loop
  2. game:GetService("RunService").Stepped:Connect(function()
  3.     -- gets all players in the server
  4.     for _, player in next, game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers() do
  5.         -- checks if the player found was not the local player, so the local player doesnt get his hitbox extended
  6.         if player ~= game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer then
  7.             -- finds humanoid root part, then changes transparecy and can collide so you can walk through the hitbox and it wont be wonky
  8.             if player.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
  9.                 player.Character["HumanoidRootPart"].CanCollide = false
  10.                 player.Character["HumanoidRootPart"].Transparency = 0.5
  11.             end
  13.             -- changes the humanoidrootpart size (basically the main code)
  14.             if player.Character["HumanoidRootPart"].Size ~=, 20, 20) then
  15.                 player.Character["HumanoidRootPart"].Size =, 20, 20)
  16.             end
  17.         end
  18.     end
  19. end)