- local LP, Players = game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer, game:GetService('Players')
- local function GetLayeredAssets(Char)
- local Assets, Char = {}, assert(typeof(Char) == 'Instance' and Char:IsA('Model'), 'invalid argument #1 to \'GetLayeredAssets\' (Instance [Character] expected, got: '..tostring(typeof(Char)..(tostring(typeof(Char) == 'Instance' and ', '..Char.ClassName or '')..')'))) and Char or nil
- for _, v in next, Char:GetChildren() do
- if v:IsA('Accessory') and v:FindFirstChild('Handle') and (v.Handle:FindFirstChild('SurfaceAppearance') or v.Handle:FindFirstChildOfClass('WrapLayer')) then
- table.insert(Assets, v)
- end
- end
- return Assets
- end
- if LP and LP.Character and LP.Character.Parent and LP.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass('Humanoid') then
- local LC, Hum = LP.Character, LP.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass('Humanoid')
- local LayeredAssets = LC and GetLayeredAssets(LC) or {}
- local LFoot, RFoot = LP.Character:FindFirstChild('LeftFoot') and LP.Character.LeftFoot:FindFirstChild('LeftFoot') or nil, LP.Character:FindFirstChild('RightFoot') and LP.Character.RightFoot:FindFirstChild('RightFoot') or nil
- local LeftAnkle, RightAnkle = LFoot and LFoot.Parent and LFoot.Parent:FindFirstChild('LeftAnkle'), RFoot and RFoot.Parent and RFoot.Parent:FindFirstChild('RightAnkle')
- local RP, UpperTorso, LowerTorso, Waist = LC:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart'), LC:FindFirstChild('UpperTorso'), LC:FindFirstChild('LowerTorso'), LC:FindFirstChild('Waist', true)
- workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject = RP
- if #LayeredAssets > 0 and Hum.RigType == Enum.HumanoidRigType.R15 and LFoot and RFoot and (LeftAnkle and RightAnkle and LeftAnkle.Parent and RightAnkle.Parent) then
- if Waist then
- Waist:Destroy()
- wait()
- for _, v in next, {RP, UpperTorso, LowerTorso} do
- v.Velocity = Vector3.new((v == RP and 9e9 or v == LowerTorso and -9e9), 9e9, (v == RP and 9e9 or v == UpperTorso and 9e9 or v == LowerTorso and -9e9))
- v.CFrame = CFrame.new(v.CFrame * Vector3.new((v == RP and 9e9 or v == LowerTorso and -9e9), 9e9, (v == RP and 9e9 or v == UpperTorso and 9e9 or v == LowerTorso and -9e9)))
- end
- end
- for _, v in next, {'LeftHand', 'RightHand'} do
- if LC and LC.Parent then
- local Object = LC:FindFirstChild(v)
- if Object then
- Object:Destroy()
- end
- end
- end
- LeftAnkle:Destroy(); RightAnkle:Destroy(); task.wait()
- for _, Foot in next, {LFoot.Parent, RFoot.Parent} do
- task.spawn(function()
- if Foot and Foot.Parent then
- for i = 1, 100 do
- if Foot and Foot.Parent ~= nil then
- Foot.Velocity = Vector3.new(Foot.Name == 'LeftFoot' and 9e9 or Foot.Name == 'RightFoot' and -9e9, 9e9, math.random(-9e9, 9e9)); task.wait()
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- task.wait()
- for _, v in next, LayeredAssets do
- v:Destroy()
- end
- RP.Anchored = true
- wait(5)
- Hum.Health = 0
- elseif LayeredAssets == 0 then
- error('attempt to crash failed (you were not detected wearing any valid layered assets)')
- end
- end