- --[[
- https://github.com/TheMightySource/FE-Annoying-Admin
- Commands:
- * .cmds
- * .rejoin
- * .nerdify {hat name} e.g: .nerdify Nerd (use dex to find hat name, default is Nerd Hat https://www.roblox.com/catalog/9120783085/Nerd-Alert)
- * .executwqe {file name} e.g: .execute Script.lua (a file named "Script.lua" must be located in your workspace folder)
- * .orbit {full player name} {speed} {radius} {eclipse} e.g: .orbit Glizzy_Phobia 1 8 1
- * .unorbit
- * .annoy {full player name} e.g: .annoy Glizzy_Phobia
- * .unannoy
- * .grabtools (hasn't been tested yet)
- * .droptools
- * .removemesh
- * .chatbot {time per chat} e.g: .chatbot 3
- * .unchatbot
- * .to {player} e.g: .to Glizzy_Phobia
- * .fling {player} e.g: .fling Glizzy_Phobia
- --]]
- loadstring(game:HttpGet(('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheMightySource/FE-Annoying-Admin/main/Main.lua'),true))()