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INFINITE S SCRIPT – OPEN SOURCE script pastebin roblox
By INFINITE S SCRIPT – OPEN SOURCE on 2024-09-23 08:00 am | Syntax: LUA | Views: 8

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  1. --// Exploit Check \\--
  2. if #{hookmetamethod, getnamecallmethod} ~= 2 then
  3.     game:Shutdown()
  4.     return
  5. end
  7. --// Exploit Fix \\--
  8. if not pcall(function() return syn.protect_gui end) then
  9.     syn = {}
  10.     syn.protect_gui = function(A_1)
  11.         A_1.Parent = CoreGui
  12.     end
  13. end
  15. --// Services \\--
  16. local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
  17. local Players = game:GetService("Players")
  19. --// Variables \\--
  20. local Player = Players.LocalPlayer
  21. local Inventory = Player:WaitForChild("Inventory")
  22. local BlockFolder = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Blocks")
  23. local Blocks = {}
  25. --// Get Blocks \\--
  26. for _, A_1 in next, BlockFolder:GetChildren() do
  27.     table.insert(Blocks, (function()
  28.         local Fake ="NumberValue")
  29.         Fake.Name = A_1.Name
  30.         Fake.Value = 1
  31.         return Fake
  32.     end)())
  33. end
  35. --// UI Library \\--
  36. local Library = loadstring(game:HttpGetAsync(''))()
  37. local Window = Library:CreateWindow("Creative by Ezpi#0474")
  38. Window:AddLabel({
  39.     text = ""
  40. })
  41. Window:AddToggle({
  42.     text = "Inf. Blocks",
  43.     flag = "Inf"
  44. })
  45. Window:AddToggle({
  46.     text = "All Blocks",
  47.     callback = function(A_1)
  48.         if A_1 == true then
  49.             table.foreach(Blocks, function(A_1, A_2)
  50.                 A_2.Parent = Inventory
  51.             end)
  52.         else
  53.             table.foreach(Blocks, function(A_1, A_2)
  54.                 A_2.Parent = nil
  55.             end)
  56.         end
  57.     end
  58. })
  59. Library:Init()
  61. --// Block Spoof \\--
  62. local OldNameCall = nil
  63. OldNameCall = hookmetamethod(game, "__namecall", function(Self, ...)
  64.     -- Variables
  65.     local Args = {...}
  66.     local Info = Args[2]
  67.     local NamecallMethod = getnamecallmethod()
  69.     -- Fake
  70.     if NamecallMethod == "FireServer" and Self.Name == "PlaceBlockE" and typeof(Info) == "table" and (Info[3].ClassName == "NumberValue" or Library.flags.Inf) then
  71.         Info[3] = {Name=Info[1];Value=1}
  72.     end
  73.     return OldNameCall(Self, unpack(Args))
  74. end)

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